Prior to the Fenot project, Professor Berman led the HEPCAPS projects in Ethiopia, in collaboration with John Snow Research & Training (JSI) and the YaleGlobal Health Leadership Institute (GHLI), with funding from the Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation.
At its initiation in 2012, a key objective of the HEPCAPS 1 project was to assist the Government of Ethiopia to strategize about how to address the challenges system management and sustainability, having successfully established a large nationwide primary health care system since the late 1990s. A number of key areas of focus were detailed in a “visioning”exercise. The latter part of HEPCAPS 1 and then HEPCAPS 2 strengthened evidence for policy development in relation to these key areas. As well, the project aimed at accelerating the achievements made in maternal, newborn and child priority health outcomes, and disease prevention and control efforts.
Specifically, HEPCAPS supported the Government of Ethiopia to: