Strategic Objective 1

Primary Healthcare System Improvements

Objective 1


Efficiency. Quality. Equity.

Focusing on maternal and child health issues, Fenot is facilitating use of evidence for decision- and policy-making, and program strategies, to develop and implement innovative practices and solutions to bridge the divide between those who generate evidence and those who are expected to use it. We are building technical capacities in interpreting and using evidence, promoting contributions of academic institutions, and helping the MOH and RHBs to use evidence generated by different institutions and sectors.

Fenot is also supporting efforts to define and develop appropriate institutional structures and to build capacity at the federal and regional levels to perform high quality evidence-based policy analysis in order to refine programs and strategies based on evidence.

Objective 1


Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP) II

Fenot is providing support to MOH in its development of the HSTP II by analyzing and synthesizing data on the health system performance, and contributing to the HSTP II working groups within MCH Directorate, Quality Directorate, and Health Financing. In addition, Fenot is gathering and analyzing data to provide baseline estimates for HSTP II and identify data sources to monitor the performance of the new strategy.

Evaluating HMIS/DHIS2 Data

The Ethiopian HMIS/DHIS2 data remain vastly underutilized in research and for policy-making. The main reason is lack of trust in these data resulting from data quality issues. The Fenot team has been working closely with the Ministry of Health to assess the quality of these data and means for improvement (papers are under review).

Agelgil Research Sharing Sessions in MCH Directorate

Fenot has been organizing monthly lunchtime research sharing sessions in which Ethiopian researchers are invited to present their work in accordance with the MCH Directorate priorities.

Evidence to Policy Translation Training

Fenot has developed a customized training targeting mainly staff of the MOH and regional health bureaus to increase their knowledge of the evidence to policy process and develop competencies to apply in their respective roles. Every year, Fenot is delivering several workshops to diverse groups.

Increased Capacity to Use Evidence in Policy

Fenot has been working with amenable regional health bureaus to establish and refine platforms within the organization to facilitate the use of evidence in program and policy decision making.

Contributing to the International Discourse on Knowledge Translation

Fenot staff has been partaking in global forums and international conferences to share evidence, and demonstrate the Ethiopian experience.

Monitoring the Ethiopian Health System during COVID-19

Dr. Arsenault and Dr. Kruk developed a multi-country project aimed at assessing the performance of health systems during COVID-19 using routine health system data (DHIS2). The aim of the project is to monitor crucial health system indicators before and after COVID-19 and to assess the effect of the pandemic on health system performance.