Strategic Objective 2

Strengthening Health Financing

Objective 2


Revenue. Productivity. Management.

Strengthening health care financing for improved primary health care systems: generating new revenue from domestic sources; increasing health care resource use efficiency and productivity; and improving financial management and budget utilization in public programs.

In order to institutionalize health financing analytic work, the MOH created a case team within the Partnership and Cooperation Directorate (PCD) called the “Health Economic and Financial Analysis (HEFA) Case Team”.

Fenot has been collaborating with PCD and the HEFA case team and is also supporting the regional health bureaus and Ethiopian universities in strengthening health financing and economic initiatives.

Objective 2


Operational Efficiency

Increasing health care resource use, efficiency, and productivity by generating evidence to understand (in)efficiencies in the health system – Fenot is working with federal and regional counterparts to develop and test strategies for efficiency improvement.

Evaluating HMIS/DHIS2 Data

The Ethiopian HMIS/DHIS2 data remain vastly underutilized in research and for policy-making. The main reason is lack of trust in these data resulting from data quality issues. The Fenot team has been working closely with the Ministry of Health to assess the quality of these data and means for improvement (papers are under review).

Utilized Domestic Resources

Strengthening MOH and RHBs capacities to advocate and improve domestic resource mobilization and utilization.

Technical Support

Providing technical support to the HEFA case team to conduct National Health Accounts.

Increased Analytic Capacity

Strengthening health financing analytical capacity within the MOH and RHBs and use of financing-related evidence to develop service delivery improvement strategies.

Ongoing Training

Providing continuous health financing and decision science training, as well as work-based training to key staff from MOH, EHFA, universities, and RHBs.

Advanced Research

Researching solutions for increasing domestic resource mobilization for health at national and sub-national levels.